3 Valid Reasons On Why You Should Consider Praying Multiple Times Per Day

Some days are good and some are downright awful. We’ve all been through them and each day brings its highs and lows until our last. Whether things get tough or good, you still should pray! Daily praying is something that should be crucial for every believer. Now, although we don’t all pray everyday or multiple times per day, we should start. Prayer is the key to our everyday lives!

We Need God More Than He Needs Us

We pray for people we don’t know, we pray for people we do know, we pray to God to help us get out of trouble, we pray for jobs we want, we pray to God to heal us from sickness, we pray for wants and we pray for needs, etc. The point I’m trying to make is that we pray when we need God for something and for some of us, that’s everyday. 

Reaching out to God for our needs and wants is normal, but why is it so hard for us to give Him more time out of our day?

Give Him The Time He Deserves

To include God in everything you do, just try praying more. As a believer, you know that God will come through for you when you need him! Exodus 20:5 tells us that God is a jealous God, so when you care more about other things (idolatry) and are barely giving God the time of day, it shows your “lukewarm-ness,”( I definitely just made that a word….. You know what I mean though). Give Him more time throughout your day.

If God can take time out of his busy schedule to make sure you get to work safe and on time, give you money for groceries, clothes, & food from that dream job that you prayed every single day for, keep you, your husband, and your kids safe while you’re away from one another during the day, protect you and your family overnight while you sleep, prevent that bus from smashing into you on the freeway, provide you with shelter and a car to get around in, then surely you can start praying more throughout your day. 

The 4 Reasons

Here are 4 reasons why you should start praying more throughout your day:

  1. To give Thanks
  2. To help Others
  3. To ask for Guidance 
  4. To defeat the Enemy

Pray to Give Thanks

We should give thanks to GOD on a daily and multiple times per day because of all he does for us throughout our day. Some of us take everything He does for us for granted. I mean, take a moment to seriously think about all He does for you & me daily! He:

  • Feeds us
  • Opens and closes doors (gives you opportunities)
  • Shelters us
  • Clothes us
  • Protects us
  • Loves us
  • Listens to us
  • Shares with us
  • Provides for us
  • Speaks to us
  • Heals us
  • Guides us
  • Teaches us
  • Gifts us
  • + A trillion other things

Pray to Help Others

All of our parents or grandparents have been through this stage: “Oh Lord! Please heal that girl from lusting after these hard-headed, pants sagging, wild haired, rebellious boys! Get her before I get her Lord! Whoooo Jesus! Help her! For she knows not what she does! Thank ya Jesus!” (LOL I can see my Grandma saying this about a few of us girls growing up!) I know that my grandmother was praying for all of her children and their children. She was what you call a prayer warrior. 

Growing up, we think we know it all, but its the elders that are more wise and knowledgeable about what’s really going on in this world that we are or were too blind to see. Because of our ignorance, there are many people out there praying for the ones that “know not what they do!” I appreciate these people and i am one of these people. 

Sometimes you can’t get through to people that there is a God or Jesus Christ was a real person that God sent down to die for us or that the Holy Spirit is a part of the Trinity, and this is one of  the reasons I pray for people. I am not perfect and nor do I try to be, but me praying for others is because I love them and want them to experience the same Joy, Peace, & happiness that I have from receiving Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. 

I am closer to God more than I was when I got baptized at 17 years old during my senior year in high school. I don’t want anyone missing out on the opportunity to go to heaven when they die, so if I can’t get my point across to them because they just won’t have it, all I can do is pray for them and know that God will take the lead from there. 

Pray to Ask for Guidance

Maybe you’re struggling with something in life and don’t know where to start, where to go, or what to do. No one around you knows how to help you and you need some guidance. God is your answer. Pray to him and ask for guidance. God wants this and he wants to have a close relationship with you just like you have with your loved ones on earth.

A lot of us go through life thinking that we all should go join the rat race when in reality, God may have a different life planned for you than just go to college, get a high salary job with the best benefits, get married, have kids, save your money, “THE END!” 

If you’ve ever had the strong urge to do something different in your life, that could be the Holy Spirit trying to get your attention to lead you somewhere else. (You should read this.)

pray to Defeat the Enemy

We are in a spiritual warfare in case you didn’t know and God is your best option when it comes to defeating the enemy. Don’t be afraid to reach out to Him when life is throwing the grandest curve balls straight at your jugular. The Devil attacks us all and when you don’t study the word of God and are a lukewarm Christian, you don’t know the true power that God has over the enemy (get into your Bibles)!

As mentioned in my previous blog post, Praying & Why You Should’ve Started Yesterday, “Think of prayer as your direct phone line to God! You have God on speed dial without even realizing it.” Without prayer we would be in a world of trouble (no pun intended) and the spiritual warfare would be as easy as taking candy from a baby for our enemies.  

Remember This…

Prayer is powerful and it’s the best tool we have! When you need God, call on to Him! 

Seek Him. 

Speak to Him! 

He’s there and waiting on you!

Don’t be distracted by the worldly things. Give God time throughout your day and keep your faith tight! You’ve got this mama! Be brave and bold!


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