Let God Lead You To Your Best Life!

Every day you are responsible for your own life and if you’re a mother, you’re responsible for multiple lives. Being a mom is an undeniable blessing from God. The responsibilities that come with Motherhood are unpredictable but worth it. As a mom, you have this unconditional nurturing love that lasts forever. Although motherhood is a tremendous blessing, it does come with obstacles that can sometimes be very heavy to handle. Living in this world is tough enough and with the Devil working 24/7, you must put God first and let Him lead. 

As a mom, we have our hands full. There is no blueprint on how to be a mom or the “Perfect Mom.” Motherhood is a lifelong job itself that requires patience, prayer, and guidance. Many moms are stay-at-home moms, working moms, and Momtreprenuers. Whichever kind of mother you are, you know that some days are more difficult than others. The good news, however, is that God is real and He exists and He can help all of us when things get hard and seem unbearable. 

God can help anyone and everyone, but you have to be willing to let Him in. God is a loving and forgiving God so if you’re thinking, “We’ll, God isn’t going to help me because I’ve done so many horrible things, mistreated so many people, and made so many mistakes,” then you’re wrong. God can show up and outperform in anyone’s life, even non-believers.

If you think that your life can never be as great as the women you see on tv/social media or the SHAMs (Stay At Home Moms) you see on YouTube, you’re wrong again! I guarantee you that if you give God a chance to take the driver’s seat in your life that he will lead you to a Life you’d never thought existed; a life specifically made just for you!

Giving Up The Driver’s Seat: Letting God Lead

You are a mom and God created you to be one and more! He didn’t create you to be “THE PERFECT MOM,” but you were wonderfully made. Everyday will not be your best day, but everyday you wake up is another chance for you to be the best mom that YOU can be. You wont be able to control every situation or fix every mistake you make. Trying to control everything is just stressful. There are some things in life that you cannot control and trying to do so will lead you to mass destruction. When you learn to let god lead your life, things will start to turn around for the better.

We’ve all heard that saying “What’s for you, is for you!” God knows what he’s doing, you just have to let Him do it. He makes no mistakes!

God wants you to give Him full control so that he can show you how to live a life that he created for only you to live just as He planned for you. Just like we are all individually made, he created a specific path for each one of us and we all have our own maps because NOT ONE person’s path is the same as the next person’s path. Think about it- each hair on your head was thought out carefully by God Himself, so my map will without a doubt be different from your map. 

The only thing that we have in common is the God that created our maps and he knows the directions better than we do. He doesn’t even need to look at the map because he’s the one that made it so he already knows when we need to turn right, go up the hill, through the storm, cross the river, be still this week, then start moving again the next week, and so on. All you have to do is sit in the passenger’s seat and enjoy the most adventurous ride of a lifetime. 

Life Will Still Have its Ups & Downs

When you do decide to give up the driver’s seat and let God lead, that does not mean life will let up and get any easier. Life will continue to get bumpy at times but that’s okay because if you have your seat belt on (your faith) then that’s all the protection you’re going to need. God will continue to let things happen in your life as a test to get you to fully depend on Him. You’re probably thinking, “Why give up the driver’s seat if I’m going to continue to have life problems then?” You give up the driver’s seat to show God that you wholeheartedly trust Him, that you trust Him with your own life.  God gives you free will so he doesn’t want to make you trust Him, he wants you to give up all control on your own. 

God will equip you with everything you need to survive the drive, A.K.A the word of God (read your Bible). All he needs from you is your faith. Your faith = knowing without a doubt that God will bring you straight to your destination, all while passing through mountains, storms, earthquakes, potholes, blizzards, etc.

The Devil is real and he does exist and because he now knows that you’ve given God the Driver’s seat and not Him, you will begin to receive roadblock after roadblock, obstacle after obstacle, and so on. This is because the Devil is jealous and hates God. If you are equipped with the word of God and are faithful to God, you’ll have nothing to worry about. Continue to trust Him and know that he will be there every step you take.

Don’t Doubt God, Have Faith

You have to try your best to never doubt God! He is a good God and a loving, and caring God. Think about all the times when you were a little child sitting in the back seat of the car, barely able to see out of the back seat window. While you were back there, you never questioned the driver. As a child, you have this amazing amount of faith because you don’t quite understand the world just yet. As an adult you need to have that same amazing amount of faith in God today, just as you did sitting in the back seat. 

So many times I’ve heard women say:
“Things are just not going the way I want them too and I don’t know why!”
“I’m so stressed out because I thought by now I’d have my dream job at this point in my life!”
“I’m never going to pass these exams! Maybe I should just drop out and just get a decent paying job! I don’t think I can do this anymore!”
“I’m so sick and tired of living paycheck to paycheck! Something’s gotta give!”
“My business is never going to take off because no one is buying anything! Maybe this was a mistake to begin with! I should’ve just listened to everyone else when they told me it would be hard and I could possibly fail!”

Speaking like this is like music to the Devil’s ears! Mama, you’ve got to STOP this negative talk! You are literally cursing your life without realizing it! That’s why things aren’t going your way, because you’re already cursing your life and lacking faith. Whenever you feel the need to speak like this, it the Devil is trying to get into your mind and shift you away from God’s goodness, grace, glory, blessings, and mercy!

Even though you can’t see Him, God is always around. Don’t let the Devil fool you. Some days it may seem like God is quiet and no longer around but truth be told, he’s just working behind the scenes. Don’t doubt the plans he has for you. God made you and he has a specific purpose for you. Once again……He makes NO mistakes! You didn’t just appear out of the sky! You were created for a reason; you were made for his purpose. Every chance we get to wake up another day is God’s way of saying “I’m not done with you yet! We’ve got more work to do with this life I’ve given you!”

It’s time to break free from the chains and give God the Glory he deserves. Keep your faith strong and unwavering!

Remember this….

Remember to let God take the lead because not only does he know exactly how to help you in life, he knows how to defeat the Devil! God is an awesome God! He loves you and wants the absolute Best Life for YOU! If you want to live YOUR BEST LIFE, give Him the seat today. Don’t wait. Don’t put off giving up control. Don’t put off learning the word! Don’t put off reading your Bible! Pray if you need to! You’ve got this mama! Give God those car keys now!

May God Bless you! -TGGM

1 thought on “Let God Lead You To Your Best Life!”

  1. Pingback: 3 Valid Reasons On Why You Should Consider Praying Multiple Times Per Day – The God Guided Mama

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