Praying & why you should’ve started yesterday

Prayer is an extremely important communication tool that everyone should use. It’s easily accessible and literally right at your fingertips! It’s how you communicate with God and it’s a practice that’s been done since the beginning of time. In the Bible, many people have prayed to God to give thanks, ask questions, praise Him for his mercy, grace, & love, requests, needs, protection, help to get out of a troubling situation, etc. 

That last example sometimes makes me giggle because just about everyone, including me, has said, “Lord, if you just get me out of this situation just this one time, I PROMISE to change Lord! I promise I’ll change my life this time for good! Oooohh Lord! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE!” Then we go back to our wicked ways once we get past that obstacle. (It’s not until we truly mean it, that we begin to repent and actually follow through with our promises we made to God.)

What are the reasons people pray?

There are an abundance of reasons as to why people prayed back then but the reason why people continue to pray to this day is BECAUSE IT WORKS! Prayer works! This is why people still get on their hands and knees every night before bed and everyday they wake up. 

We pray because we need to give thanks to God for everything, ask Him questions, pray in tongues to let the Holy Spirit pray on your behalf when we don’t know what to pray for, pray for this world we live in, pray for the healing of others, pray for guidance, and so on. The list is never-ending.

When should you pray?

If you don’t pray at all, you should start. If you don’t pray often, you should begin to pray more. If you do pray, you should pray multiple times a day. Think of prayer as your direct phone line to God! You have God on speed dial without even realizing it. 

Now let’s be clear, sometimes you won’t get an instant and clear answer but if you leave a voicemail, God will always call you back.That’s a guarantee without a doubt. It may not be the answer YOU’RE looking for but God will always be 100% honest and truthful in his response and actions. 

God Knows Best!

Have you ever heard the expression “God closes doors, and He opens them?” This is a true statement and to add on to that, he’s going to move in your life the way He wants too. It’s not going to be on your time and terms, but His, and that’s the way you want it to be. 

Just because you really want something and think “this will be the best thing to ever happen to me,” God may sometimes disagree and change up your plans for His purpose. This is something you will not have control over and may not understand in the beginning, but later on it could be revealed to you that you were saved from something that could’ve ended you, caused you trauma, or lead to a downward spiral. 

For example, it’s like when you were a teen and your Mom or Dad or whoever took care of you told you “I don’t think you should be dating that Boy! He looks like trouble!” That parent could see that tornado, hurricane, and tsunami coming for blood even before it happened. They knew this based on the boys actions and mannerism that he would be trouble and if you had a mom around or any woman around they will tell you they knew he was trouble because of their “women’s intuition.” 

Just like your parents, God will make changes because He’s trying to do what’s best for you even if you don’t or didn’t understand it. You just have to trust Him. Put all of your faith and hope in the one God that created you! The only God that breathed life into your lungs. 

Remember this…..

We owe it to God to praise and worship Him. When you are focused on the kingdom everything else will fall into place. Take this verse into perspective….

Matthew 6:33-34 (NIV version)

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all the things will be given to you as well. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Continue to pray when things are bad, but also, continue to pray when things are good. Don’t just pray because you need something from God, pray because you’re thankful and grateful that you have God in your life at all. That itself is a blessing!

Stay strong Mama! God made you unique, fearless, and bold! You’re amazing! Remember, God is always listening to your prayers and He makes no mistakes!


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