
new youtube channel?!?!

our New Youtube channel & videos

We now have a YouTube Channel and on it we will be featuring Bible Read-Alongs! Please follow us on YouTube and join us! We’re starting in Book Genesis!Just open your Bibles and follow along!

These videos will be great for you to share especially if you’re hosting Bible Studies. You can share these videos with the group and discuss what was read aloud to you! Super easy!

Genesis Chapter 1 & 2

We’re starting in the Book of Genesis; chapter 1 & 2. This video is only 10 minutes long and great for an early morning session or a study session right before bed! We’ve provided and short mini quiz along with the answers below on Chapters 1 and 2!

We hope you enjoy the videos! A great way to support us is to share our videos with a friend! Our goal is to inspire you to read your Bible and sometimes the easiest way to do that is by listening to the audio version in today’s busy society!

We appreciate your support as always! Thank you and God Bless you!

Become friends with us on social media! You can follow us on IG, YouTube, and Pinterest!

Quiz on Genesis Chapters 1 and 2

  1. What did God create on the first day?
    • A) The land and seas
    • B) The sun, moon, and stars
    • C) Light
    • D) Animals
  2. According to Genesis, on which day did God create man?
    • A) Third day
    • B) Fifth day
    • C) Sixth day
    • D) Seventh day
  3. How did God create woman in Genesis Chapter 2?
    • A) From the dust of the ground
    • B) From the rib of the man
    • C) From a piece of clay
    • D) From the water
  4. What did God do on the seventh day after completing His creation?
    • A) Created more animals
    • B) Rested
    • C) Created humans
    • D) Divided light from darkness
  5. What is the name of the garden where God placed the man He had formed?
    • A) Eden
    • B) Canaan
    • C) Zion
    • D) Sinai


  1. C) Light
  2. C) Sixth day
  3. B) From the rib of the man
  4. B) Rested
  5. A) Eden


The New Daily Bible Study Journal by the God Guided Mama

Introducing our Super Minimalistic Bible Study Journal, meticulously designed to be your steadfast companion on your spiritual journey. This journal aligns with the S.O.A.P. Method of Bible Study, making it a powerful tool for diving deep into the Word of God while cultivating a daily habit of reflection and insight.

Available in a spectrum of captivating colors, this journal boasts an impressive 100 pages and a generous 8.5X11-inch size. Its lightweight and portable nature ensures that it’s an ideal partner for your Bible study sessions, allowing you to explore your faith with ease.

The S.O.A.P. Method, a widely embraced approach for Bible Study Sessions, provides a structured and reflective framework to delve into the Scriptures. Here’s what each letter in S.O.A.P. stands for:

  • S – Scripture: Start by selecting a specific passage or verse from the Bible. This forms the foundation of your study session. It can be a verse that resonates with you, a section from your reading plan, or a topic you wish to explore.
  • O – Observation: Dive deep into the chosen Scripture, examining the context, characters, and key themes. Take note of any significant details, historical context, or literary elements that stand out to you. This step encourages you to see what’s happening in the text.
  • A – Application: Reflect on how the Scripture relates to your life and circumstances. Consider its relevance to your faith journey and personal experiences. Ask yourself how you can apply the teachings or principles from the passage to your daily life.
  • P – Prayer: Conclude your study session with a heartfelt prayer. Express gratitude for the insights gained, seek guidance on how to apply them, and ask for spiritual growth. Praying over the Scripture helps deepen your connection with God and reinforces the lessons learned.

The S.O.A.P. Method serves as a valuable tool for both beginners and experienced Bible readers, fostering a meaningful and intentional study of the Word of God. It encourages personal reflection, spiritual growth, and a deeper understanding of the Scriptures, making it an essential practice for many during their Bible study sessions. Click the Below photo for more Color Options!

We want to express our heartfelt gratitude for the incredible support and encouragement you’ve extended to us. Your unwavering commitment to your faith journey does not go unnoticed. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of it.

3 Valid Reasons On Why You Should Consider Praying Multiple Times Per Day

Some days are good and some are downright awful. We’ve all been through them and each day brings its highs and lows until our last. Whether things get tough or good, you still should pray! Daily praying is something that should be crucial for every believer. Now, although we don’t all pray everyday or multiple times per day, we should start. Prayer is the key to our everyday lives!

We Need God More Than He Needs Us

We pray for people we don’t know, we pray for people we do know, we pray to God to help us get out of trouble, we pray for jobs we want, we pray to God to heal us from sickness, we pray for wants and we pray for needs, etc. The point I’m trying to make is that we pray when we need God for something and for some of us, that’s everyday. 

Reaching out to God for our needs and wants is normal, but why is it so hard for us to give Him more time out of our day?

Give Him The Time He Deserves

To include God in everything you do, just try praying more. As a believer, you know that God will come through for you when you need him! Exodus 20:5 tells us that God is a jealous God, so when you care more about other things (idolatry) and are barely giving God the time of day, it shows your “lukewarm-ness,”( I definitely just made that a word….. You know what I mean though). Give Him more time throughout your day.

If God can take time out of his busy schedule to make sure you get to work safe and on time, give you money for groceries, clothes, & food from that dream job that you prayed every single day for, keep you, your husband, and your kids safe while you’re away from one another during the day, protect you and your family overnight while you sleep, prevent that bus from smashing into you on the freeway, provide you with shelter and a car to get around in, then surely you can start praying more throughout your day. 

The 4 Reasons

Here are 4 reasons why you should start praying more throughout your day:

  1. To give Thanks
  2. To help Others
  3. To ask for Guidance 
  4. To defeat the Enemy

Pray to Give Thanks

We should give thanks to GOD on a daily and multiple times per day because of all he does for us throughout our day. Some of us take everything He does for us for granted. I mean, take a moment to seriously think about all He does for you & me daily! He:

  • Feeds us
  • Opens and closes doors (gives you opportunities)
  • Shelters us
  • Clothes us
  • Protects us
  • Loves us
  • Listens to us
  • Shares with us
  • Provides for us
  • Speaks to us
  • Heals us
  • Guides us
  • Teaches us
  • Gifts us
  • + A trillion other things

Pray to Help Others

All of our parents or grandparents have been through this stage: “Oh Lord! Please heal that girl from lusting after these hard-headed, pants sagging, wild haired, rebellious boys! Get her before I get her Lord! Whoooo Jesus! Help her! For she knows not what she does! Thank ya Jesus!” (LOL I can see my Grandma saying this about a few of us girls growing up!) I know that my grandmother was praying for all of her children and their children. She was what you call a prayer warrior. 

Growing up, we think we know it all, but its the elders that are more wise and knowledgeable about what’s really going on in this world that we are or were too blind to see. Because of our ignorance, there are many people out there praying for the ones that “know not what they do!” I appreciate these people and i am one of these people. 

Sometimes you can’t get through to people that there is a God or Jesus Christ was a real person that God sent down to die for us or that the Holy Spirit is a part of the Trinity, and this is one of  the reasons I pray for people. I am not perfect and nor do I try to be, but me praying for others is because I love them and want them to experience the same Joy, Peace, & happiness that I have from receiving Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. 

I am closer to God more than I was when I got baptized at 17 years old during my senior year in high school. I don’t want anyone missing out on the opportunity to go to heaven when they die, so if I can’t get my point across to them because they just won’t have it, all I can do is pray for them and know that God will take the lead from there. 

Pray to Ask for Guidance

Maybe you’re struggling with something in life and don’t know where to start, where to go, or what to do. No one around you knows how to help you and you need some guidance. God is your answer. Pray to him and ask for guidance. God wants this and he wants to have a close relationship with you just like you have with your loved ones on earth.

A lot of us go through life thinking that we all should go join the rat race when in reality, God may have a different life planned for you than just go to college, get a high salary job with the best benefits, get married, have kids, save your money, “THE END!” 

If you’ve ever had the strong urge to do something different in your life, that could be the Holy Spirit trying to get your attention to lead you somewhere else. (You should read this.)

pray to Defeat the Enemy

We are in a spiritual warfare in case you didn’t know and God is your best option when it comes to defeating the enemy. Don’t be afraid to reach out to Him when life is throwing the grandest curve balls straight at your jugular. The Devil attacks us all and when you don’t study the word of God and are a lukewarm Christian, you don’t know the true power that God has over the enemy (get into your Bibles)!

As mentioned in my previous blog post, Praying & Why You Should’ve Started Yesterday, “Think of prayer as your direct phone line to God! You have God on speed dial without even realizing it.” Without prayer we would be in a world of trouble (no pun intended) and the spiritual warfare would be as easy as taking candy from a baby for our enemies.  

Remember This…

Prayer is powerful and it’s the best tool we have! When you need God, call on to Him! 

Seek Him. 

Speak to Him! 

He’s there and waiting on you!

Don’t be distracted by the worldly things. Give God time throughout your day and keep your faith tight! You’ve got this mama! Be brave and bold!


The best Study Bible for Beginners (Photos Included)

The Good News for Bible Newbies

As a prior Bible Newbie myself, when it came to choosing my first Bible, I didn’t know where to start. My grandma gave me my first Bible but I could barely see the letters because they were so tiny. The Bible was a cute, pink, and had a nice leather cover, but I just about needed a magnifying glass to read it. Now that i’m older, I realize why grandma used the Bibles with the Super Giant Font, easy to read and easy to annotate.

When I became serious about my relationship with God, I searched high an low trying to find the best Bible to start with. The good news however, is that I found (whilst scrolling through through social media) this thing called a Study Bible. I had no idea these even existed. I thought all Bibles were the same and what is a Study Bible anyway? I had to get more information on this before I deciding to purchase one and I did.

A Study Bible is just like your typical Bible but with ton of background information and study tools such as small boxes and notes that help to clear up any confusion you may have about the Word of God! There actually really cool! My very first Study Bible was the “Starting Place Study Bible,” New International Version. I purchased the Bible from Amazon and I will say that it was one of the best things I’ve ever purchased on the site.

I’ve had many people ask me what Bible I use to study the word of God and this is the one! This has helped me to remember scriptures easily and understand everything I’m reading. I would recommend this Bible to anyone that wants an in depth and clear understanding of the Bible. I will cover a few reasons why this Bible was the perfect choice for me.

5 reasons why I love this Bible!

1. Easy to understand

Depending on the version of the Bible that you do read, the verbiage can be confusing and hard to understand. This bible however is easy to understand. It can easily be read and the information is easy to retain because of all the notes, context boxes, and study notes at the bottom of the page. 

2. Great Context Notes & Graphics

The pictures, maps, illustrations, and tables are a plus! These amenities tie into the scripture/chapter that you’re reading and provide you with more understanding that clears up all the confusion and questions brewing in your mind. 

For example, the Bible will sometimes mention a character that played a small role in history, but then as you continue to read you may find a Context Box that speaks on the history of this character. It could have information on how this character is related to other characters, who they grew up to be, what types of sins they committed, their wicked ways or beliefs, the story of their death, etc. This box can have anything, good or bad about the character that you may realize was important to know because of something they did that the scripture didn’t quite clarify. 

3. Essential Study Notes

The study notes are by far my favorite amenity because they provide a better explanation of the scripture you’ve just read. For example, you may be reading a scripture that you don’t understand because there’s a word that throws you off and the study notes at the bottom of each page defines words and clarifies the scripture a bit more so that you can fully understand God’s word. 

4. Book Introductions with important information

The Book Introductions are the first piece to the book that provide you with a brief summary of what you’re about to read. I would not overlook this information because it has so much to offer. In this small portion, the study Bible will cover the most important key terms, teachings, and verses.

5. Q&A Notes

This is my second favorite amenity! I have so many questions about the Bible while reading and studying and these little boxes answer every random question I have lingering in my head. The Q&A Boxes may be small but they are packed with so much crucial information. If you ask me, it’s imperative that you read that information in the boxes because you’re studying the information. Any information sitting in this book is there to help make you more knowledgeable on the word of God. Why would you want to pass up the gems?

The Only Con

The only con of this Study Bible is the font size and that’s because I truly prefer Super Giant Size or Giant Size Font (thanks grandma). Also, I personally prefer my Bible to have tabs and this one does not have any, but the good new about that is that you can purchase your own. There are so many varieties out there to choose from that look really good and that are great quality.

So if you’re okay with a somewhat small size font (aka “comfort font”), and a no tabs already embedded in the pages, then this Bible may be spot on for you!

See on Amazon…

Remember This….

This Bible is for you to learn the word of God! Trust in His word. Read it with intention. Focus and get in a space where there are no distractions so that you can soak in each word. Building a relationship with God and understanding His word is so imperative, hence the reason for having a great Study Bible.

If you still have questions even after reading the Bible, pray to God for understanding & clarity and use other Bible apps and resources. It’s better to take your time reading the Bible and understanding what you’re reading at your own pace rather than wanting to finish the Bible in a year, just to brag about it. You would be doing yourself a disservice.

So if you’re new to the Bible and newly re-born, try starting off with a Study Bible to help you with reading the Bible for the first time.

Reading the entire Bible is very possible. Don’t doubt you’re abilities. Take your time reading your Bible, take notes, read it as often as you can, and pray to God for clarity. He’ll guided you and help you through it, just like He helps you through your day.

Keep up the great work mama!


Praying & why you should’ve started yesterday

Prayer is an extremely important communication tool that everyone should use. It’s easily accessible and literally right at your fingertips! It’s how you communicate with God and it’s a practice that’s been done since the beginning of time. In the Bible, many people have prayed to God to give thanks, ask questions, praise Him for his mercy, grace, & love, requests, needs, protection, help to get out of a troubling situation, etc. 

That last example sometimes makes me giggle because just about everyone, including me, has said, “Lord, if you just get me out of this situation just this one time, I PROMISE to change Lord! I promise I’ll change my life this time for good! Oooohh Lord! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE!” Then we go back to our wicked ways once we get past that obstacle. (It’s not until we truly mean it, that we begin to repent and actually follow through with our promises we made to God.)

What are the reasons people pray?

There are an abundance of reasons as to why people prayed back then but the reason why people continue to pray to this day is BECAUSE IT WORKS! Prayer works! This is why people still get on their hands and knees every night before bed and everyday they wake up. 

We pray because we need to give thanks to God for everything, ask Him questions, pray in tongues to let the Holy Spirit pray on your behalf when we don’t know what to pray for, pray for this world we live in, pray for the healing of others, pray for guidance, and so on. The list is never-ending.

When should you pray?

If you don’t pray at all, you should start. If you don’t pray often, you should begin to pray more. If you do pray, you should pray multiple times a day. Think of prayer as your direct phone line to God! You have God on speed dial without even realizing it. 

Now let’s be clear, sometimes you won’t get an instant and clear answer but if you leave a voicemail, God will always call you back.That’s a guarantee without a doubt. It may not be the answer YOU’RE looking for but God will always be 100% honest and truthful in his response and actions. 

God Knows Best!

Have you ever heard the expression “God closes doors, and He opens them?” This is a true statement and to add on to that, he’s going to move in your life the way He wants too. It’s not going to be on your time and terms, but His, and that’s the way you want it to be. 

Just because you really want something and think “this will be the best thing to ever happen to me,” God may sometimes disagree and change up your plans for His purpose. This is something you will not have control over and may not understand in the beginning, but later on it could be revealed to you that you were saved from something that could’ve ended you, caused you trauma, or lead to a downward spiral. 

For example, it’s like when you were a teen and your Mom or Dad or whoever took care of you told you “I don’t think you should be dating that Boy! He looks like trouble!” That parent could see that tornado, hurricane, and tsunami coming for blood even before it happened. They knew this based on the boys actions and mannerism that he would be trouble and if you had a mom around or any woman around they will tell you they knew he was trouble because of their “women’s intuition.” 

Just like your parents, God will make changes because He’s trying to do what’s best for you even if you don’t or didn’t understand it. You just have to trust Him. Put all of your faith and hope in the one God that created you! The only God that breathed life into your lungs. 

Remember this…..

We owe it to God to praise and worship Him. When you are focused on the kingdom everything else will fall into place. Take this verse into perspective….

Matthew 6:33-34 (NIV version)

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all the things will be given to you as well. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Continue to pray when things are bad, but also, continue to pray when things are good. Don’t just pray because you need something from God, pray because you’re thankful and grateful that you have God in your life at all. That itself is a blessing!

Stay strong Mama! God made you unique, fearless, and bold! You’re amazing! Remember, God is always listening to your prayers and He makes no mistakes!


Let God Lead You To Your Best Life!

Every day you are responsible for your own life and if you’re a mother, you’re responsible for multiple lives. Being a mom is an undeniable blessing from God. The responsibilities that come with Motherhood are unpredictable but worth it. As a mom, you have this unconditional nurturing love that lasts forever. Although motherhood is a tremendous blessing, it does come with obstacles that can sometimes be very heavy to handle. Living in this world is tough enough and with the Devil working 24/7, you must put God first and let Him lead. 

As a mom, we have our hands full. There is no blueprint on how to be a mom or the “Perfect Mom.” Motherhood is a lifelong job itself that requires patience, prayer, and guidance. Many moms are stay-at-home moms, working moms, and Momtreprenuers. Whichever kind of mother you are, you know that some days are more difficult than others. The good news, however, is that God is real and He exists and He can help all of us when things get hard and seem unbearable. 

God can help anyone and everyone, but you have to be willing to let Him in. God is a loving and forgiving God so if you’re thinking, “We’ll, God isn’t going to help me because I’ve done so many horrible things, mistreated so many people, and made so many mistakes,” then you’re wrong. God can show up and outperform in anyone’s life, even non-believers.

If you think that your life can never be as great as the women you see on tv/social media or the SHAMs (Stay At Home Moms) you see on YouTube, you’re wrong again! I guarantee you that if you give God a chance to take the driver’s seat in your life that he will lead you to a Life you’d never thought existed; a life specifically made just for you!

Giving Up The Driver’s Seat: Letting God Lead

You are a mom and God created you to be one and more! He didn’t create you to be “THE PERFECT MOM,” but you were wonderfully made. Everyday will not be your best day, but everyday you wake up is another chance for you to be the best mom that YOU can be. You wont be able to control every situation or fix every mistake you make. Trying to control everything is just stressful. There are some things in life that you cannot control and trying to do so will lead you to mass destruction. When you learn to let god lead your life, things will start to turn around for the better.

We’ve all heard that saying “What’s for you, is for you!” God knows what he’s doing, you just have to let Him do it. He makes no mistakes!

God wants you to give Him full control so that he can show you how to live a life that he created for only you to live just as He planned for you. Just like we are all individually made, he created a specific path for each one of us and we all have our own maps because NOT ONE person’s path is the same as the next person’s path. Think about it- each hair on your head was thought out carefully by God Himself, so my map will without a doubt be different from your map. 

The only thing that we have in common is the God that created our maps and he knows the directions better than we do. He doesn’t even need to look at the map because he’s the one that made it so he already knows when we need to turn right, go up the hill, through the storm, cross the river, be still this week, then start moving again the next week, and so on. All you have to do is sit in the passenger’s seat and enjoy the most adventurous ride of a lifetime. 

Life Will Still Have its Ups & Downs

When you do decide to give up the driver’s seat and let God lead, that does not mean life will let up and get any easier. Life will continue to get bumpy at times but that’s okay because if you have your seat belt on (your faith) then that’s all the protection you’re going to need. God will continue to let things happen in your life as a test to get you to fully depend on Him. You’re probably thinking, “Why give up the driver’s seat if I’m going to continue to have life problems then?” You give up the driver’s seat to show God that you wholeheartedly trust Him, that you trust Him with your own life.  God gives you free will so he doesn’t want to make you trust Him, he wants you to give up all control on your own. 

God will equip you with everything you need to survive the drive, A.K.A the word of God (read your Bible). All he needs from you is your faith. Your faith = knowing without a doubt that God will bring you straight to your destination, all while passing through mountains, storms, earthquakes, potholes, blizzards, etc.

The Devil is real and he does exist and because he now knows that you’ve given God the Driver’s seat and not Him, you will begin to receive roadblock after roadblock, obstacle after obstacle, and so on. This is because the Devil is jealous and hates God. If you are equipped with the word of God and are faithful to God, you’ll have nothing to worry about. Continue to trust Him and know that he will be there every step you take.

Don’t Doubt God, Have Faith

You have to try your best to never doubt God! He is a good God and a loving, and caring God. Think about all the times when you were a little child sitting in the back seat of the car, barely able to see out of the back seat window. While you were back there, you never questioned the driver. As a child, you have this amazing amount of faith because you don’t quite understand the world just yet. As an adult you need to have that same amazing amount of faith in God today, just as you did sitting in the back seat. 

So many times I’ve heard women say:
“Things are just not going the way I want them too and I don’t know why!”
“I’m so stressed out because I thought by now I’d have my dream job at this point in my life!”
“I’m never going to pass these exams! Maybe I should just drop out and just get a decent paying job! I don’t think I can do this anymore!”
“I’m so sick and tired of living paycheck to paycheck! Something’s gotta give!”
“My business is never going to take off because no one is buying anything! Maybe this was a mistake to begin with! I should’ve just listened to everyone else when they told me it would be hard and I could possibly fail!”

Speaking like this is like music to the Devil’s ears! Mama, you’ve got to STOP this negative talk! You are literally cursing your life without realizing it! That’s why things aren’t going your way, because you’re already cursing your life and lacking faith. Whenever you feel the need to speak like this, it the Devil is trying to get into your mind and shift you away from God’s goodness, grace, glory, blessings, and mercy!

Even though you can’t see Him, God is always around. Don’t let the Devil fool you. Some days it may seem like God is quiet and no longer around but truth be told, he’s just working behind the scenes. Don’t doubt the plans he has for you. God made you and he has a specific purpose for you. Once again……He makes NO mistakes! You didn’t just appear out of the sky! You were created for a reason; you were made for his purpose. Every chance we get to wake up another day is God’s way of saying “I’m not done with you yet! We’ve got more work to do with this life I’ve given you!”

It’s time to break free from the chains and give God the Glory he deserves. Keep your faith strong and unwavering!

Remember this….

Remember to let God take the lead because not only does he know exactly how to help you in life, he knows how to defeat the Devil! God is an awesome God! He loves you and wants the absolute Best Life for YOU! If you want to live YOUR BEST LIFE, give Him the seat today. Don’t wait. Don’t put off giving up control. Don’t put off learning the word! Don’t put off reading your Bible! Pray if you need to! You’ve got this mama! Give God those car keys now!

May God Bless you! -TGGM

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