The best Study Bible for Beginners (Photos Included)

The Good News for Bible Newbies

As a prior Bible Newbie myself, when it came to choosing my first Bible, I didn’t know where to start. My grandma gave me my first Bible but I could barely see the letters because they were so tiny. The Bible was a cute, pink, and had a nice leather cover, but I just about needed a magnifying glass to read it. Now that i’m older, I realize why grandma used the Bibles with the Super Giant Font, easy to read and easy to annotate.

When I became serious about my relationship with God, I searched high an low trying to find the best Bible to start with. The good news however, is that I found (whilst scrolling through through social media) this thing called a Study Bible. I had no idea these even existed. I thought all Bibles were the same and what is a Study Bible anyway? I had to get more information on this before I deciding to purchase one and I did.

A Study Bible is just like your typical Bible but with ton of background information and study tools such as small boxes and notes that help to clear up any confusion you may have about the Word of God! There actually really cool! My very first Study Bible was the “Starting Place Study Bible,” New International Version. I purchased the Bible from Amazon and I will say that it was one of the best things I’ve ever purchased on the site.

I’ve had many people ask me what Bible I use to study the word of God and this is the one! This has helped me to remember scriptures easily and understand everything I’m reading. I would recommend this Bible to anyone that wants an in depth and clear understanding of the Bible. I will cover a few reasons why this Bible was the perfect choice for me.

5 reasons why I love this Bible!

1. Easy to understand

Depending on the version of the Bible that you do read, the verbiage can be confusing and hard to understand. This bible however is easy to understand. It can easily be read and the information is easy to retain because of all the notes, context boxes, and study notes at the bottom of the page. 

2. Great Context Notes & Graphics

The pictures, maps, illustrations, and tables are a plus! These amenities tie into the scripture/chapter that you’re reading and provide you with more understanding that clears up all the confusion and questions brewing in your mind. 

For example, the Bible will sometimes mention a character that played a small role in history, but then as you continue to read you may find a Context Box that speaks on the history of this character. It could have information on how this character is related to other characters, who they grew up to be, what types of sins they committed, their wicked ways or beliefs, the story of their death, etc. This box can have anything, good or bad about the character that you may realize was important to know because of something they did that the scripture didn’t quite clarify. 

3. Essential Study Notes

The study notes are by far my favorite amenity because they provide a better explanation of the scripture you’ve just read. For example, you may be reading a scripture that you don’t understand because there’s a word that throws you off and the study notes at the bottom of each page defines words and clarifies the scripture a bit more so that you can fully understand God’s word. 

4. Book Introductions with important information

The Book Introductions are the first piece to the book that provide you with a brief summary of what you’re about to read. I would not overlook this information because it has so much to offer. In this small portion, the study Bible will cover the most important key terms, teachings, and verses.

5. Q&A Notes

This is my second favorite amenity! I have so many questions about the Bible while reading and studying and these little boxes answer every random question I have lingering in my head. The Q&A Boxes may be small but they are packed with so much crucial information. If you ask me, it’s imperative that you read that information in the boxes because you’re studying the information. Any information sitting in this book is there to help make you more knowledgeable on the word of God. Why would you want to pass up the gems?

The Only Con

The only con of this Study Bible is the font size and that’s because I truly prefer Super Giant Size or Giant Size Font (thanks grandma). Also, I personally prefer my Bible to have tabs and this one does not have any, but the good new about that is that you can purchase your own. There are so many varieties out there to choose from that look really good and that are great quality.

So if you’re okay with a somewhat small size font (aka “comfort font”), and a no tabs already embedded in the pages, then this Bible may be spot on for you!

See on Amazon…

Remember This….

This Bible is for you to learn the word of God! Trust in His word. Read it with intention. Focus and get in a space where there are no distractions so that you can soak in each word. Building a relationship with God and understanding His word is so imperative, hence the reason for having a great Study Bible.

If you still have questions even after reading the Bible, pray to God for understanding & clarity and use other Bible apps and resources. It’s better to take your time reading the Bible and understanding what you’re reading at your own pace rather than wanting to finish the Bible in a year, just to brag about it. You would be doing yourself a disservice.

So if you’re new to the Bible and newly re-born, try starting off with a Study Bible to help you with reading the Bible for the first time.

Reading the entire Bible is very possible. Don’t doubt you’re abilities. Take your time reading your Bible, take notes, read it as often as you can, and pray to God for clarity. He’ll guided you and help you through it, just like He helps you through your day.

Keep up the great work mama!


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